Festival Accès Asie cordially invites you to the discovery of Dance X, a co-presentation of LIG Art Hall, Aoyama Theatre and Tangente. Dance X consists in three creations: FLIGHTDISTANCE III: CHAIN SUITE by Helen Simoneau (Montreal); HETERO by TeitaIwabuchi and Kaori Seki (Tokyo); and KAIROS by Su Hyun Kim / Pan (Busan).
In the duet Flight Distance III: Chain Suite, Helen Simoneau examines the concept of “Flight Distance”, a term that is used to describe the distance an individual places between others and himself. This distance is different from person to person and from species to species. Helen Simoneau uses this concept as an inspiration for the creation of this duet which is shared by the dancer Kristin Taylor. Overflowing with kinetic delights and subtle movement textures, Flight Distance displays formal dance-making with humanity and sensuousness. Accompanied by a percussive sound score composed by Jonathan Melville Pratt, two women bound, slide, linger and spin as they explore the boundaries of their own and the other’s intimate space. Wonderfully creative!
In HETERO (“other” in Greek) two slender dancers shape-shift together with deliberation, furling and unfolding, entwining limbs, delicatly gesturing. Together, Teita Iwabuchi and Kaori Seki move ever so slowly. Enveloped in sculptural lighting and silence, a dance transpires, composed of minute meditations on space, time, shape and relationship.
A theatrical dance of intimate “skinships”. Through the subtle twists-and-turns of duet contact improvisations and emotionally over-charged solos, Su Hyun Kim and Jong Won Heo – life-and-art world partners – delve with KAIROS into psyches that are deeply scarred from lack of love. Death, tenderness, struggle and mystery.
Do not miss the fabulous duets of Dance X that will take you beyond words and by unveiling new dimensions.
Helen Simoneau
Teita Iwabuchi
Kaori Seki
Su Hyun Kim / Pan