The Festival
Asian Heritage Month
Canada’s cultural diversity strengthens the country socially, politically and economically in innumerable ways. Asian Heritage Month is an ideal occasion for all to celebrate the beauty and wisdom of various Asian cultures.
Asian Heritage Month has been celebrated in the United States since 1979. Over the past decade, many Asians in Canada have begun to celebrate their heritage during the month of May. In December 2001, the Senate adopted a motion proposed by Senator Vivienne Poy to officially designate May as Asian Heritage Month in Canada. In May 2002, the Government of Canada signed an official declaration to designate May as Asian Heritage Month.

During the month of May, Canadians are invited to take part in the events that honour the legacy of Canadians of Asian heritage. It is a time to participate in festivities across the country that celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Canadians of Asian heritage, who, throughout history, have done so much to make Canada the culturally diverse, compassionate and prosperous nation we know today.
In 2004, the City of Montreal adopt the resolution n° CM04 0241 which announce the month of May as the Asian Heritage Month, thanks to a proposal by Ms. Helen Fotopulos, Mayor of the Plateau Mont-Royal arrondissement (2002-2009) and responsible at the Montreal Executive Committee, for Mont-Royal Park and the Status of Women.

The National Assembly of Quebec has decided, on May 30th 2018, to acknowledge the month of May as the Asian Heritage Month, thanks to a proposal by M. Amir Khadir-deputy of Mercier- and M. David Heurtel -Minister of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusiveness and the deputies of Marie-Victorin, Deux-Montagnes, Vachon, and Gaspé.
The Festival Accès Asie is proud that all levels of power in Canada recognize the contribution of Asian communities in its territory and, as a result, encourage its citizens to learn about the different cultures that inhabit Asia.