As part of his artist residency at OBORO, in partnership with Festival Accès Asie, artist Tam Khoa Vu will share his research and practice in a public presentation at the New Media Lab.
As part of his artist residency at OBORO, in partnership with Festival Accès Asie, artist Tam Khoa Vu will share his research and practice in a public presentation at the New Media Lab. the hybrid condition explores cultural hybridity through a four-channel video and audio installation using a blend of personal, archival, and modern-day footage. By juxtaposing various moving images, the video installation reveals the complex interconnectedness of diasporic culture and cultural colonialism. Through footage emphasizing Vietnamese identity and diaspora, the hybrid condition digs into the roots of cultural, ethnic, and national identities that question Western hegemony and influence over Vietnam, and Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Canadian identity.
Tam Khoa Vu is an artist based in Tio’Tia:Ke / Montreal. In 2017, he completed his BFA at Concordia University in Design and Computation Arts. In his work, Tam challenges common representations and depictions of Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Canadian identity while playfully opening up spaces of abundance, possibility, and nuance. In his practice, Tam uses various visual and digital art forms to explore themes of production, manufacturing, power, representation, and identity in the nuances of the “third space” of diasporic experience between Vietnam and Canada. Notable presentations of the artist’s works include Montréal Arts Interculturels (MAI) (Montreal, 2022), ARTCH Emerging Artists Exhibition (Montreal, 2021), Eastern Bloc (Montreal, 2016). He has received grants from large and small-scale funding bodies and institutions such as OBORO (2022), Canada Council for the Arts (2022), Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (2022, 2021), and MAI (2022).
Tam Khoa Vu