Laotian and Cambodian cooking workshop

Enjoy Cambodian and Laotian cuisine with Super Boat People in an interactive workshop where you’ll have the chance to prepare your own dishes!


edition 2024
Laotian and Cambodian cooking workshop
May 26 — 11:00am
Mandoline, Tablée des Chefs


The Super Boat People Collective is offering a Cambodian and Laotian cooking workshop, followed by a collective meal at Tablée des chefs at Jean-Talon Market. Discover these two lesser-known culinary universes by getting your hands dirty and tasting some emblematic dishes in a warm atmosphere! The workshop will be co-facilitated by Rémy Chhem and Chanthavilack Pankham (Alpha).

Super Boat People is a collective whose mission is to inclusively mobilize Cambodian, Laotian, and Vietnamese individuals of origin and alliance in Quebec, encouraging them to reclaim their histories, and reconnect with their cultures and communities, in order to represent them equitably. To achieve this, the collective implements a variety of initiatives encompassing cuisine, urban agriculture, history and archives, arts, and social mobilization.


Rémy Chhem

Rémy Chhem (he/him) is the co-founder of the Super Boat People Collective and a longtime community organizer, particularly within the Cambodian community (Histoires de vie Montréal, Centre Khémara). Rémy enjoys creating vibrant projects that promote bridges, collaboration, and dialogue between communities and generations. He plays an active role within Super Boat People by leading various projects related to community and family history, as well as culinary and horticultural knowledge. Outside of the Collective, Rémy works as an academic researcher in social sciences.

Chanthavilack Pankham (Alpha)

Alpha (she/her) is a cook at Phuket restaurant in Montreal. After many years of experience, she specializes in Southeast Asian and Italian cuisine.


Super Boat People

edition 2024
Laotian and Cambodian cooking workshop
May 26 — 11:00am
Mandoline, Tablée des Chefs
in collaboration