Khosro Berahmandi is retiring as Artistic Director

As some of you already know, our dear Khosro Berahmandi will be retiring as Artistic Director of Festival Accès Asie in January after more than 25 years of service! He intends to take this opportunity to work on his personal artistic projects and enjoy some well-deserved rest. We are sad to see him go, but the Festival is a big family, and we are sure to see him again very soon in visual arts exhibitions across Montreal! We will not soon forget Khosro’s incredible contribution to Montreal’s cultural landscape, his significant addition to the artistic representation of the entire continent of Asia, and of course, his memorable hair and inimitable style! Thank you so much for your wonderful work and your contagious energy dear Khosro! Happy retirement, you’re cool like cucumber!
Of course, if Khosro retires, this means that his position is vacant! We are therefore looking for a dynamic person to fill the role of Artistic Director! We are searching for someone who ideally has experience in multidisciplinary programming in the Montreal cultural scene and who has an expert knowledge of Asian arts and cultures. The position will start on November 14th for transferring knowledge before Khosro’s official departure in January 2023. All details on our Career page!
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